You can implement the OnNavigating event (ShellBrowser Delphi Components) or NavigationPending event (ShellBrowser .NET or WPF) respectively. Using the event handler's parameters you can check the path and stop the navigation.
You can access a short introduction on ShellBrowser in the product help. For specific documentation on components, check the API help. It contains descriptions on all classes, methods, and properties and is accessible either online or in the installation directory of ShellBrowser.NET.
You may either use the FileList or the SearchEdit control.
For the FileList please take a look at the "JamSearch" example that is shipped with all ShellBrowser editions.
While the FileList can be used standalone, use the ShellSearchEdit control for your users to input search phrases. Search results will be presented in a ShellListView or ExplorerBrowser control linked with the same ShellControlConnector. Check the component in the JamExplorer or ExplorerBrowser sample project.
Unfortunately Windows doesn't offer an API for this function, so it is indeed not part of ShellBrowser currently. Note, that commands executed via ShellBrowser can be undone in Windows Explorer though.
An ItemIdList is a type derived from the PIDL that is used by the Windows Shell. It fulfills the same functions as a file system path, but is also available for elements that do not have a file system path, such as virtual elements (like e.g. the "This PC" folder) or files that reside on an attached mobile phone.
You can easily create ItemIdLists from a file system path using the respective constructors.
Getting the path from an ItemIdList can be done using the "Path" or "DisplayPath" properties of an ItemIdList.
Also, whenenver a ShellBrowser component is associated with a path, most likely the ItemIdList can also be accessed via respective "FolderIdList" or "AbsoluteItemIdList" properties (e.g. for ListItems, TreeNodes, etc.).
For further documentation see:
TJamItemIdList (ShellBrowser Delphi components)
ItemIdList (ShellBrowser.NET and ShellBrowser.WPF Components)
Using the ShellListView and ExplorerBrowser, you may use a ListItem's "FullPath" property. The selected items are available using the "SelectedItems" property.
The ShellTreeView holds the selected path in the "SelectedPath" property.
You can add the ftp server as "network address" via the context menu of "This PC" (e.g. in Windows Explorer). This will include it as folder and ShellBrowser components will be able to use it the same way as Windows Explorer.
We do not work with activation codes because you can find them very easily on the internet. Typically software manufacturers protect against this problem using online activation, but this would make customer dependent on the availability of our activation servers and an internet connection.
We are working with separate trial and full versions instead, where the full version is not freely available for download and must be installed over the trial version. After purchasing our software, customers get an account for our customer area where they can download the full version for at least 12 months. Our customers will also receive a personalized license key, with which they can install the full version. Login data and key should be stored in a safe place. Installing the full version over the trial version will preserve your existing data and settings.
Most trial/demo versions of our products support the activation with a valid license key and then unlock all the features of the full version.
Alternatively, you can always install the full version over the existing trial version, your settings from the trial version will be taken over unchanged.
If you cannot be sure, that the path exists thoughout different systems, it is better to use the SpecialFolder than to explicitly set a path.
The ShellFolders have a similar function than environment variables, allowing you to specify a known location, whatever path might be associated with it on a customer's system.
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